The Keeping Girls in school +255 Programs (TIF-KGSP) – Young women students in Tanzania face many challenges, influenced by outdated traditions and neo-globalization trends. These trends impact vulnerable and at-risk groups causing them to become disadvantaged in society. Furthermore, many female students belong to low-income families, who cannot afford to buy essential school equipment or personal needs, This in turn impacts girls’ ability to attend classes, with many failing to complete their education with unplanned, teenage pregnancy, on the rise, once a female student finds herself in that position, she is often forced to cease her studies. The KGS+255 Program is designed to ensure that support, protect and value female students, especially those who have given birth and who seek to go back to school have access to high quality primary and secondary education and self enterprises skills.
We propose:
- Construction and/or maintenance of specialty toilets and the provision of essential sanitation equipment, such as Sanitary Pads and hazardous waste incinerators to reduce infection and health risks for school children.
- Provide access to high-quality educational resources within the school environment, including Physical and Mental Health Counseling, education on breast feeding pump, nutritional supplements, Kids naps and provision of school stationeries items.
- Develop and provide hygiene promotion packages to educate school children regarding menstrual hygiene and assigning female teachers and guardians to become mentors to support young girls through the changes and challenges of menstruation.
- Delegating key people to oversee access to female towels and the provision of education surrounding emergency female towels (Cloth Hygiene Pads), and
- Distribute female towels in schools, specifically for students in critical academic period e.g.. STANDARD SEVEN, FORM TWO and FORM FOUR etc.
It’s in partnership with Barrick Gold
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